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GYM STOMPERS - Session #2


Program Goals

This new program’s primary goal is to provide a fun opportunity for children to become accustomed to PE-type programming, thereby gaining confidence in their physical abilities and learning to take turns and work as a team.  The program will help teach kids skills they need to be successful in kindergarten, as listening, following directions, and taking turns will be stressed.  Some specific activities will include relays, obstacle course, and sport skills.

Program Format

This program is for children who are currently not enrolled in Kindergarten and are 3 1/2 years of age or older.  The class meets once per week for 30 minutes on Thursdays from 2:30pm-3:00pm.  Session #2 will be held for five weeks on the following dates: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, and 3/6.  Classes will be held in the Civic Center gym.  An adult must accompany each child and be present/seated in the bleachers in case they are needed for bathroom breaks or other situations.

Registration Period

Register now for Session #2!  Register by 1/31 and receive an 'Early Bird' discount of $5!  Maximum class size of 8 children.

Registration Form and Fees

Click here for a printable registration form.  To begin the online registration process, click on the link below.

What To Wear

Children should wear comfortable clothing suitable for physical activity such as t-shirts, gym shorts, or sweat pants with appropriate gym shoes.


Participants and their parents/guardians should be aware that there is a risk of injury during participation in the Wahoo Parks and Recreation Gym Stompers program due to the inherent nature of the activities.  Individuals participate in Gym Stompers at their own risk.

Inclement Weather

Call the WP&R Hotline at (402) 443-4500, 30 minutes prior to your child's class to confirm it is being held.  The hotline will be updated 30 minutes prior if your child's class is canceled.


Contact Bob Schmidt at (402) 443-4174 or email here.