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Wahoo Parks and Recreation


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SOCCER - Spring 2025

Register Now through February 27th!


League Schedules:


Team Rosters:


League Rules


Program Philosophy

The mission of all Wahoo Parks and Recreation youth sports programs is to promote a fun, yet challenging environment in which participants are introduced to and taught the basics of a given sport.  The program is strictly recreational in nature and emphasizes equal opportunity for involvement and participation.

Registration Period

Now through February 27th.  Any registrations received after February 27th will incur a $10 late fee and will be accepted on an "as needed" basis.

Registration Form and Fees

Click here for the registration form and fee schedule. To register online, click on the link below.

Program Format

League games will be played on Saturday mornings and Monday evenings if needed.  All teams will be coed and play a round robin schedule and are guaranteed a minimum of six games.  The Pre-K & K and 1st & 2nd Grade leagues will be scheduled to play at least 5 games while 3rd through 6th Grade will be scheduled to play 6 games.  Depending upon weather and/or field conditions, league play will begin on March 8th or 15th (an announcement regarding this will be made by March 3rd).  No games will be scheduled or rescheduled after April 19th (regardless of the number of games played).  Please note on your registration form if your child is also playing volleyball!

Leagues (Note: The following league formats are subject to change dependent upon enrollment numbers and volunteer coach availability.)

    Pre-K & Kindergarten League:  Participants must be 5 years old by July 29th, 2025.  Games are played 6 vs. 6 with approximately 8-9 players on a team.  A size 3 ball is used.  No goalie is used and no game scores or league standings are kept.  The fundamentals of the game such as dribbling, passing, throw-ins, and teamwork will be emphasized.  Volunteer parent coaches will lead a 20-30 minute practice followed by an informal scrimmage.  No practices will be held outside of the scheduled 'games' so players need to simply attend the scheduled games.  Coaches will not contact the parent/player in advance.

    1st & 2nd Grade League:  Games are played 6 vs. 6 with approximately 8-9 players on a team.  A size 4 ball is used.  No goalie is used and no game scores or league standings are kept.  The fundamentals of the game such as dribbling, passing, throw-ins, and teamwork will be emphasized.

    3rd & 4th Grade League and 5th & 6th Grade League:  Games are played 7 vs. 7 with approximately 10-11 players on a team.  A size 5 ball is used.  Goalies will be used.  The level of play is more aggressive while focusing on fundamentals.  Note:  Although we believe enough numbers exist to have separate 3rd & 4th and 5th & 6th grade leagues this year, leagues may be combined due to lack of numbers if necessary.


Shin guards are required.  Soft rubber spiked shoes only.  No hard plastic or metal cleats are allowed!  Tennis shoes are acceptable.  Soccer balls will be provided.  Shin guards and shoes are player’s responsibility.

OUT-OF-TOWN TEAMS OR CLUB ORGANIZATIONS - ROSTER POLICY:  All kids in each community and school are able to play on your team.  If a child is interested and not asked, WP&R reserves the right to place them on your roster if not enough children remain to create another team from the community/school.

OUT-OF-TOWN TEAMS OR CLUB ORGANIZATIONS - GROUP DISCOUNT:  Any team and/or organization that agrees to follow the roster policy (above) and uniform policy (below) is eligible to receive a $10 discount per player.  In order to receive the group discount, all players on your team must be paid with ONE check!  Coaches should collect all registrations and mail/drop off all registration forms in an envelope with full payment to:  Wahoo Parks and Recreation, Attn: Bob Schmidt, 310 N. Linden, Wahoo, NE 68066.

WP&R Formed Teams

Team rosters are formed via random selection.  Parents may request their child be placed on a team with one other child for legitimate carpooling reasons.  Some carpooling requests may not occur.  This information needs to be indicated on the registration form (no exceptions).  Once teams are formed, coaches are responsible for contacting players on their rosters to set up practices and distribute information.  Pre-K & K soccer teams do not have practices and as a result coaches will not contact players.


Youth participating in Wahoo Parks and Recreation youth sports need to have two uniform t-shirts, one red and one blue.  The playing schedule dictates which color shirt to wear for each game.  These shirts are used for all youth sport programs and are available in a variety of youth and adult sizes.  They are available for purchase at the Civic Center.  Community/club organization teams will need to have a uniform shirt approved by the league director which includes the WP&R logo to receive the team discount noted above.


Wahoo Parks and Recreation utilizes volunteer coaches for all youth sport programs.  All head coaches are required to attend the coaches' meeting or meet with the league director.  Instruction on general coaching philosophy and principles as well as sport-specific information will be discussed.


Refunds will only be approved if a child is unable to play due to injury.  Any requests for refunds should be directed to Bob Schmidt.

Weather Procedures/Policies

Due to the volatility of spring weather, if inclement weather occurs parents should call the WP&R Hotline at (402) 443-4500.  Revised schedules due to cancellations will be noted on the hotline and WP&R website.  Note the following guidelines:

1) If inclement weather develops, a 1-2 hour delay will be used with the hotline updated 1 hour prior to your child's scheduled game time.

2) If inclement weather results in partial cancellations (even after utilizing 1-2 hour delay):

  • Those canceled games will be made up immediately on the following Monday, Tuesday, and/or Thursday.  Games may be non-officiated (game times will be announced via hotline on Saturday)

3) If inclement weather results in all games being canceled:

  • First Option: If we can host games before the league end date, we will extend the games a week and host the games another weekend.
  • Second Option: Games will be played on Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Thursdays.  Games may be non-officiated (game times will be announced via hotline on Saturday)
  • Third option: If the first option and second option still do not allow the WP&R to host games successfully.  Coaches contact info will be exchanged and coaches can decide individually if they would like to play after the league end date and schedule those games with the Recreation Director (games may be non-officiated) or simply cancel games.


Participants and their parents/guardians should be aware that there is a risk of injury during participation in Wahoo Parks and Recreation youth sports due to the inherent nature of the activities.  Individuals participate in Parks and Recreation youth sports at their own risk.

Concussion Policy

In compliance with the Nebraska Concussion Awareness Act (LB 260), the Wahoo Parks and Recreation Department has adopted a policy regarding concussions, head injury, and concussed athletes.  Coaches and parents should familiarize themselves with the policy.  Click here to view and download the policy.

Coaches, players, and parents should also visit the DHHS concussion page to view information regarding concussions including approved training, videos, fact sheets, and other resources.  Visit here for more information.


Contact Bob Schmidt at (402) 443-4174 or email here.